Friday 3 July 2015

A simple change

I've changed this blog to use one of the new templates - and tweaked a few colours as well.  Just can't help myself, it seems!  Like a kid with a new pack of coloured textas ... .

Using the new template has put the "About me" box back on screen permanently - no fancy "fly-outs" here!  This simple change should make it easier for us to talk to each other about our common interests.  Always assuming that we have any ... but since I'm curious about everything, that shouldn't be too hard.

You see, I'm expecting to learn something new from every reader who writes a comment or leaves a link on my blog.  The world is wide, and "had we but time enough" we'd get to see it all!  Well, no harm hoping, is there?  Even experts only get that way because they keep on learning.

A wise friend once told me that the more we learn, the more we realise that there is to learn.  He said that knowledge is like an expanding ball, pushing back the frontiers of ignorance; but the bigger the sphere of knowledge grows, the bigger its boundary, and the more it bumps up against things we don't yet know.

So, what do you know that you can teach me?

Thursday 2 July 2015

Showing up

This is the second time I've written to you, and I'm waiting with bated breath for you to write back.

I'm sorry about the "About me" - you can't see it, can you?  I'm still working out how to show it. :-[ And  if I don't show up, how can I expect you to?

Nevertheless, please do reply.

Our first time together

This is the first time I've written to you, so let me tell you what you can expect.

First off, please check out the "About me" so you can see what we have in common.  Do you share any of my interests?  If so, feel free to leave a comment, perhaps linking to some of your favourite things.

I'll be writing from time to time about any of those many interests and activities I've listed.  I'd love to hear from you in reply.